Before you light up a roaring fire, make sure your chimney is up to snuff. Contact the company customers in Winchester VA have trusted with their chimney relining, maintenance, repair, and sweeping – the experienced chimney sweeps of JCS Home Services.
With a main office in Berryville ever since we started our business in 2011, JCS has a long history of serving Winchester and the wider Blue Ridge with expert chimney services – from wood stove maintenance to damper repair.
So call JCS at 540-254-5044 today for a set-time appointment to have our chimney technicians inspect, repair, and clean your chimney, fireplace, and wood stove – because that’s not the kind of maintenance you want to do too late.
One of your responsibilities as a homeowner is to take the best care of your Winchester home with regular maintenance – and one of the systems you must be sure to maintain is your fireplace/chimney apparatus.
Clean equipment tends to be functioning equipment.
Customers who understand the need to go with trusted pros like JCS Home Services benefit from having a better-maintained residential property and the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing your chimney is clean and your risk of a fire – you know, the kind outside of your fireplace – is as low as can be.
We’re in the business of making sure your chimney is ready to handle its business. When the chill of winter sets in, the first snow settling on the ground, is not the time to realize your chimney requires masonry repair or you need to install a new crown or cap.
Going pro is the way to go. Hiring JCS Home Services of Winchester, Virginia, is the move of the smart homeowner.
That’s because we literally do it all to provide the utmost in chimney services. From chimney masonry inspection to damper repair to chimney cleaning and general repairs, JCS is unbeatable in the ways we can keep your chimney in tip-top shape.
You know what soot is. That’s a buildup of ash and residue left over from burning wood in a fireplace.
But have you heard of creosote? It’s a tarry, flammable substance that accumulates in chimneys, the result of incomplete combustion of the fuel source. Creosote builds up in the firebox, smoke chamber, damper, or interior of the chimney masonry.
Both soot and creosote must be removed and the chimney cleaned periodically in order for the fireplace and chimney to work as it should. Failing to closely inspect the chimney masonry, install proper equipment such as crowns and caps, and make timely repairs can have serious consequences for the well-being of the family in the home.
Asthma and allergic reactions are made worse when living and breathing with a dirty, inefficient chimney. Smoke that would normally be vented up and out of the house instead backs up and into your living space.
Plus, the risk of a house fire is increased when chimneys are clogged and dirty – and that’s why the chimney sweeps of JCS Home Services are in business!
You might think that the best time to call JCS – your friendly local chimney sweep in Winchester VA – would be in the autumn, before the winter months of December and January deal us the below-average temperatures and firing up the wood stove seems like a good idea.
You might think fall is when to call – but the problem is, everyone else thinks that too, so September and October tend to be the peak season for chimney sweeping. Business booms.
So beat the rush. Call JCS in the spring or summer to set up your annual chimney service – because no matter what time of year it is, winter is always coming.
Google us. Type “JCS Home Services,” press Enter, and scan the search results page that comes up – especially our reviews. Note all the 5-stars. We’re proud to have earned each and every one of them.
It takes more than top-notch chimney knowledge to be the best chimney sweep business in the Winchester and Stephens City area of Virginia. It takes a commitment to excellence, a track record of punctuality, and proven skills to perform each and every sweep, inspection, and repair to the utmost of our already redoubtable ability.
See our customer service in action for yourself – and find out why so many customers recommend JCS Home Services to their property-owning friends and neighbors. Contact our business at 540-254-5044 and enjoy an amazing flame contained within your fireplace this winter.
With more than a decade in service to Northern Virginia and the Blue Ridge, JCS Home Services is among the most experienced, top-rated, sought-after home improvement businesses in the Winchester area.
We serve the chimney maintenance needs of residential and commercial customers throughout Frederick County, from Stephenson to Stephens City and Cross Junction to Gore.
Call JCS at 540-254-5044 for an appointment with JCS and the best chimney sweep services in Winchester VA!
When you call our Winchester VA office to make an appointment for chimney services with JCS Home Services, you’ll know exactly when we’re scheduled to arrive – not a range of times, but a precise hour at which you can expect our techs’ arrival.
That’s just another example of the JCS difference.
Find out all the ways we’re the superior choice for chimney sweeping and repairs in Winchester VA and the entire Blue Ridge. Call JCS today at 540-254-5044.